Are you looking for MGMT623 SHORT NOTES FOR FINAL TERM Today’s effective leaders must have the capability and confidence to build and develop focused and motivated teams that deliver outstanding operational performance in line with the strategic goals of the organization. This course highlights the processes and techniques leaders have at their disposal to develop their effectiveness and maintain top team performance. ‘Leadership’ and ‘Team Management’ are two commonly used words in today’s organizations. The course derives its roots from the basics of organizational management. In order to build a strong footing for learning of the concepts of leadership and team management, we need to understand the concepts of organization.


What is an Organization?

An organization is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose, goals e.g. hospital, profit or non-profit organization, hotels etc. A. Organizations share three common characteristics:

(1) Each has a distinct purpose;

(2) Each is composed of people; and


(3) Each develops some deliberate structure so members can do their work. Another way to look into this is ….. B. Although these characteristics are important in defining what an organization is, the concept of an organization is changing. These differences include: flexible work arrangements, employee work teams, open communication systems, and supplier alliances. Organizations are becoming more open, flexible, and responsive to changes. C. Organizations are changing because the world around them has changed and is continuing to change. These societal, economic, global, and technological changes have created an environment in which successful organizations must embrace new ways of getting their work done. D. Organizations are working in a dynamic environment and are responsible to different stake holders which can be employees, customers, suppliers, Competitors, Government etc.

What is the Role of Management?

Management is more concern about building working relationship with others, help the team members to develop the skills for better performance, providing help to develop team work among them and providing them with a conducive/quality environment for performance and satisfaction. In this connection, management should know that each individual is a value-added worker and if they are satisfied and motivated, organization can achieve their goals efficiently and effectively.


It is a common saying in today’s organizations that the success depends on people. The ‘people’ of course are the organizational team members and stake holders. Focusing on the right individuals and stakeholders is important for the success of any organization. Today our main focus will be on the people; an actor in organization, the key resources for the success of any organization. Every organization has some objectives, goals, mission& vision. For achieving these goals & mission, they use different inputs to get desire outputs. The people in different department/position in the organization are the key actors to meet the organizational goals. Only these people can make difference when you compare your organization with the other organization. In today’s environment, getting the latest technology is not a big deal. Even arranging finance is not a problem, if you have a good idea/project. The biggest problem will be to attract/find and retain right people. Any organization can make a difference provided they have right people and organization is managing them well. But it is nor so simple. People and organizations are so complex and remember that every person is different from one and other. So managers/leaders must understand the people, their behavior & situation

Characteristics of Successful Leaders

Effective and successful leaders have certain characteristics. They are good communicators, they motivate others (team members), they are good team builders, solve problems of others and of organizations, they are good listeners and resolve conflicts, anticipate change and mange it within team and organizations, they encourage risk taking by their team members and also to promote the creativities. If you study the life of successful leaders, you can find them a challenger of the process, they inspire a shared vision, enable others to act, they model the way by showing the path, encourage the followers, act as change agent and take followers to the destination. Similarly, we also discussed leaders of corporate sector who created impression in this world.

  1. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft
  2. Sam Walton, former CEO of Wal-Mart
  3. Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric
  4. Lee Iacocca, former CEO of Chrysler
  5. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple
  6. Walter E. Disney Walt Disney
  7. Henry Ford Ford Motor
  8. William C. Procter Procter & Gamble


The leaders of a group, team or organization are the individuals who influence others behavior. Leader effectiveness is the extent to which a leader actually does help a group, team or organization to achieve its goals. Leaders are either appointed by someone external to the group and they are elected by group members themselves. Some people take up role of leader by using their influences. With the passage of time, you can see that leadership will emerge over time. The group members will assess with in the group that who is leader worthy. In this situation, communication style will play a dynamic role.

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